BRIT Care Hypoallergenic Adult Large Breed Lamb - dry dog food - 12 kg,Allergy treatment, General health
Health effects: Allergy treatment, General health
Protein: 26%
Fat content: 14%
Pet food flavor: Lamb
Gluten free: Yes
Lactose free: Yes
Sugar free: Yes
Pet life stage: Mature
Breed size: Big (40-60 kg)
Dog breed: All breeds of large dogs
Animal type(s): Dog
Crude ash: 7%
Crude fibres: 3%
Dosage form: Solid
Moisture content: 10%
No artificial colours: Yes
Package type: Plastic bag
Pet specific needs: Food alergy
Preservative free: Y
Soy free: Yes
Protein: 26%
Fat content: 14%
Pet food flavor: Lamb
Gluten free: Yes
Lactose free: Yes
Sugar free: Yes
Pet life stage: Mature
Breed size: Big (40-60 kg)
Dog breed: All breeds of large dogs
Animal type(s): Dog
Crude ash: 7%
Crude fibres: 3%
Dosage form: Solid
Moisture content: 10%
No artificial colours: Yes
Package type: Plastic bag
Pet specific needs: Food alergy
Preservative free: Y
Soy free: Yes